Saturday, January 17, 2015

Glee 6x03

      I watched the new episode of Glee today, the new season started last week and fortunately it’s the last season. I want it to end so badly, because lately it’s been so boring, but of course, I want to know how the scriptwriters end it. The plot is non-existent right now and the songs aren’t very known, at least by me; however, sometimes there’s a good joke or an interesting moment.
      Glee is known for approaching social problems and issues, especially among teenagers. Bullying for example, homophobia, relationships, self-confidence, Down syndrome, etc. But I was surprised with one topic shown today, I’m not sure if they talked about it before. I have to find out if they recorded the episode after the news or it’s just pure coincidence, but a case of gender dysphoria is showed. That means that someone is not comfortable in their own skin and they want to belong to the opposite sex, this is commonly known as a transgender. The scene reminded me instantly of Leelah Alcorn’s death a few weeks ago, she was a boy who wanted to be a girl but couldn’t because her parents treated her like crap, punished her and made her go to some kind of religious therapy. It was a pretty important topic in social network like Tumblr due to the fact that her mother refused to acknowledge that her daughter, who she still called son, had committed suicide because of her and her husband, despite the huge suicidal letter that she posted in her Tumblr.

      Bearing in mind Glee’s history, I do think they recorded the episode after Leelah’s death. Anyhow, whatever reason they had to record that scene, I’m glad they did, because we should never forget that topic and seeing the antagonist of the TV show understanding it and helping this person is really endearing.

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