Friday, November 21, 2014

Introduction + conclusion


Nowadays, when we log in any social network, such as Twitter or Facebook, half of the comments we can read are spiteful and offending. A lot of people send hate, even anonymously to people they don’t even know. Day after day, tons of hateful messages are sent to well-known people regarding their personal choices or trivial aspects from their lives as their clothes. We shouldn’t let this go on, because celebrities, like any other of us, are affected by this kind of comments.


We should stop this current habit of putting down famous people through the Internet with our comment that are totally out of line.  The only thing we achieve with this is to provoke more hate among all the social networks’ users. I do not know about you, but I do not really see the appeal of being the cause of sadness, or even depression, of people just because they are public figures.

Monday, November 17, 2014


        I.            We shouldn’t send hate to famous people through social networks because of their life choices or because we don’t like them.
      II.            Forms of hate.
1)      Example of fans sending hate to their idol because of their new partner.
2)      Example of people slurring someone for dressing in a specific way.
    III.            Impact on the celebrity
1)      It affects them like any other human being.
2)      Sadness and low self-esteem.
    IV.            Outcome of sending hate.
1)      Fights between fans or fandoms.
2)      Celebrities quitting their jobs.
      V.             Sending hate only provoke more hate and sadness and we should stop this habit of putting down celebrities because we think they’re immune to what we tell them.


      Children that grow up surrounded by guns will be violent because they won't understand the danger of weapons and they won't be afraid of them either.

Comparing / contrasting paragraphs (advantages and disadvantages)

Action films and romantic films are two of the most popular kinds of films. Action films attract a lot of public because they set the public on edge for two hours, we are totally awake, focused on who is going to strike next. Moreover, with the amazing special effects, the films have become more real and they blow your mind, even if you aren't into action films that much or if you don't like the storyline. Their downside is that the storyline is usually the same, since the director focuses more on the action. Besides, aside from in some films, we don't get to know the characters in depth, so it's not easy to relate to them.

On the other hand, romantic films are pretty popular due to the (mostly female) public desire to watch another love story about a lady in distress and her prince charming. Although it's true that a film being romantic implies that they're going to end together, it's good to forget about our life for a couple of hours and fall in love with the idea of true love and fate again. Furthermore, sometimes we don't know who the main character is going to choose or if in the process of realising what they feel, they make some ridiculous mistakes that leave us in a fit of laughter.

Opinion paragraph

      Whereas some people prefer films to books, I prefer reading the book than watching the movie. It usually takes longer to read the book, so I get more time to enjoy it. Reading makes my imagination works, since I have to build a lot of scenarios in my mind when the authour doesn't describe everything or just implies something. The best thing about reading is that you can fall in love with the characters and live their stories as if they were yours, I remember that when I read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I sobbed like a baby with Sirius' death, I even was sad for the rest of the day. Fortunately, I had also laughed a lot with the twins and Umbridge, something that I couldn't do when I saw the movie because they didn't filmed that scene. What I mean is that I love being able to relate to the characters from a book and live their stories for a while instead of mine.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Taylor Swift - Blank Space

In this new video Taylor Swift gives us another great sample of acting. She really looks insane (as the lyrics say) and mad at him. We know that this video is so like her because of her signature smirks and her slip in the tree scene. She brings into scene a lot of animals such as two beautiful white horses (which she rides and stands up on), a pretty doe, some dogs and at the beginning, her cute little cat: Olivia Benson. This is my favorite song in her entire new album (1989) due to the awesome and meaningful lyrics and to the rythm of the song. I love how she jokes about every relationship in her life being a mistake she has made, while at the same time admits she can be also difficult to handle. She warns her fans about guys that "only want love if it's torture", nevertheless, she keeps an open mind about the future since she says at the end of the chorus that she has a blank space and she'll write his name. I'm totally in love with this video because she wears a wide range of different outfits, some which are like what she usually wears, some which aren't, and because the scene where her make up is ruined, as a result of her crying, reminds me to her video of White Horse (which I also love). She released this video without any announcement, just like her first single one (Shake it off), and this is driving the Swifties (her fans) nuts. She's supposed to release at least two more videos for this album (if she does the same amount of videos as she did for Red) and I can't wait to see which songs she chooses (I'm sure Style is one of them).
P.S. I hope Meredith and Olivia  are in those as well!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Comparing / contrasting paragraph

             1989 is the best album Taylor Swift has ever written. While her others albums are about her life, especially her love life, this one is about everything, you can find songs that are about her, songs about a city, songs about other people and songs that are basically for us, the fans. This album is mainly about love, like the others, however, in this one she doesn’t tell off any of her exes. Moreover, whereas her other studio albums are considered country albums, this one is completely pop. It sounds like nothing she has done before, and at the same time, it sounds so like her. All of her albums have hit the top of the charts really quickly, nevertheless, 1989 is breaking all the records with more than 600,000 copies in its first 24 hours for sale.
             One of my favourite groups is Fifth Harmony, although not a lot of people know about them, they’re wonderful. It’s one of the few girl groups now, these five girls, Lauren Jauregui, Normani Kordei, Camila Cabello, Ally Brooke and Dinah Jane Hansen, are between 17 and 21 years old, so I find it pretty easy to relate to them. I love their music due to the fact that they sing about girl power and teen problems. Furthermore, they interact a lot with their fans through Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. Some of the things that make me enjoy being their fan are how they’re down to earth and how they’re willing to do anything in the world to see one of their fans smile. I really appreciate that just listening to one song makes my day, and I love them for making that possible.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Random thoughts

             There's nothing such as that moment when you're listening to one of your favourite music singer or group, to those songs you totally love, and you are about to fall asleep. It's not like you want to fall asleep listening to music, it's just that you are so exhausted and that music makes you relax, feel safe, so you forget about the rest of the world and just let all your muscles settle back. I love this feeling, because I don't usually have time to listen to music and omit what's happening around me, I listen to music when I'm going to somewhere alone or when I'm doing homework. Due to this, finding some time to just chill with my music, without feeling like singing along or dancing around my room as if I were crazy, is something that I worship. It feels so good to notice how I'm drifting off and how a small part of my mind clings to consciousness just to think "God, I truly love this flawless song".