Monday, November 17, 2014

Comparing / contrasting paragraphs (advantages and disadvantages)

Action films and romantic films are two of the most popular kinds of films. Action films attract a lot of public because they set the public on edge for two hours, we are totally awake, focused on who is going to strike next. Moreover, with the amazing special effects, the films have become more real and they blow your mind, even if you aren't into action films that much or if you don't like the storyline. Their downside is that the storyline is usually the same, since the director focuses more on the action. Besides, aside from in some films, we don't get to know the characters in depth, so it's not easy to relate to them.

On the other hand, romantic films are pretty popular due to the (mostly female) public desire to watch another love story about a lady in distress and her prince charming. Although it's true that a film being romantic implies that they're going to end together, it's good to forget about our life for a couple of hours and fall in love with the idea of true love and fate again. Furthermore, sometimes we don't know who the main character is going to choose or if in the process of realising what they feel, they make some ridiculous mistakes that leave us in a fit of laughter.

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